I completely forgot about these photos until I went to upload some stitching related photos this afternoon. In another of firsts since moving to Maine, I went to the lawnmower races this fall. This is what men do when there's no snow. I swear they will race anything. I worked with someone who was actually in a power sander race up in Poland Springs. Anyways, back to the lawnmowers. The local snowmobile club puts on these races every Sunday afternoon from late September to early November and I was invited to go. Actually, the person who invited me said he'd organize a "powder puff" race if I was interested in trying it out. "It's real safe, we'd have you wear a helmet and there are bumpers on the lawnmowers" was said with 100% sincerity. Ummm..... I don't think so! I'm saving that first for at least next year. There are two classes - these "regular" lawnmowers and then the modifieds. You'd be surprised at how fast these things actually go. I think next will be snowmobile races but we don't have enough snow for that yet, thank goodness!

On to stitching related stuff, this is a photo of the absolutely gorgeous birthday exchange package I received from Ilse in Germany. We were in a small birthday exchange together and Ilse got a bit behind. But as I always say, better late than never and this was so worth the wait. As you can see, Ilse stitched my favorite hearts into the neatest three part framed hanging piece and a wonderful little heart pillow. Both of these look great on my heart wall. And she sent along lots of yummy goodies as well. Thanks Ilse!

And finally, to prove that I am still stitching a tiny bit these days, this is my Saturday SAL on the Alexandre stitching wallet from Tempus Fugit. Slow progress on the second panel but I'm still plugging away.
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week and please be kind when you hit all those holiday sales on Friday. Kohl's is opening at 4:00am I heard in the store today. I'm planning to be asleep and snuggly warm at that time so good luck!