I'm still plugging away on Block 3 of C@HRH and will have a photo of that tomorrow or Wednesday. Hope you had a great start to your week. We had lots of wonderful sunshine after a very cold, grey, damp weekend. I'm crossing my fingers it will last into next week!
April 19, 2010
Waiting at home....
When I got back from my quick trip down south, I had a package from Shakespeare's Peddler waiting for me. My wonderful neighbor behind me had collected my mail as I forgot to do a mail stop and the box was overflowing. I immediately ripped open the package and found this:
I am going to blame Barbara for the purchase as I saw the supplies on her blog a while back. It is the fabric and fibers necessary to complete BBD's Winter Wonderland. I can't wait to get started on this project because I fell in love with it the minute I saw the design. I am hoping that I can put a few stitches in this weekend to at least get things going.

I'm still plugging away on Block 3 of C@HRH and will have a photo of that tomorrow or Wednesday. Hope you had a great start to your week. We had lots of wonderful sunshine after a very cold, grey, damp weekend. I'm crossing my fingers it will last into next week!
I'm still plugging away on Block 3 of C@HRH and will have a photo of that tomorrow or Wednesday. Hope you had a great start to your week. We had lots of wonderful sunshine after a very cold, grey, damp weekend. I'm crossing my fingers it will last into next week!
April 16, 2010
Getting back to regular programming
Okay so I'm home and oh so happy to be back. The pup is back sleeping next to me on the coach and was almost as happy to see me as I was to see him. Thanks again to everyone for their kind thoughts about my dad. All things considered, he's doing good and we take one day at a time. He's going to a luau tomorrow at the VFW so I'd say he's feeling okay right? It's about making the most out of every day people and we forget that too often when we get caught up in the busy-ness of life. Enjoy the moments - I'm trying to.
I had a much longer lay over in BWI so I got a very satisfying amount of stitching done on Block 3. I really like how the pineapple turned out. I had to frog a little bit but nothing too bad. I hope to get a little more time into this piece this weekend because I got a blessed reprieve from my teacher last night - I only have to write 4 papers in 7 weeks instead of 5! Three down and one to go - Wahoo!
April 13, 2010
Thank Goodness for Public Libraries
It's National Library week here in the US and I for one am very grateful for our public library system. It is allowing me to blog an update from the Venice Public Library today! It's also allowed me to post for my class so that I won't be marked off for lack of participation. I wish it could write the rest of the paper that I have due on Thursday but I guess that will be up to me.
I am visiting my father and step-mother and am pleased to report that my dad looks pretty darn good. It's so very reassuring to seem him in person as communication over the phone just doesn't satisfy worries like seeing him for real. I'm confident that God willing, he will see his 90th birthday and hopefully even a 91st birthday!
On the stitching front, here is an updated photo for Block 3 based on my progress during the second leg of my flight down south. As we were deplaning, a gentleman behind me told me "great progress on your embroidery - I like that pineapple/palm tree". LOL I'm pretty pleased with what I was able to get done and I hope to get more stitched today while sitting by the pool.
I hope you're having a great week and please stop by your library if you get a chance this week!
I am visiting my father and step-mother and am pleased to report that my dad looks pretty darn good. It's so very reassuring to seem him in person as communication over the phone just doesn't satisfy worries like seeing him for real. I'm confident that God willing, he will see his 90th birthday and hopefully even a 91st birthday!
I hope you're having a great week and please stop by your library if you get a chance this week!
April 11, 2010
Some Progress is a good thing!
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts regarding my dad. I am zooming down tomorrow to see things for myself so your kind words are really appreciated. My dad will be an amazing 90 years old at the end of this month and has lead a wonderful and blessed life as he would be the first to tell you. But the fact is, we don't live forever and I need to see for myself that he plans to stick around for a bit longer before saying adios!

This has been an incredibly busy weekend following an unbelievably busy week. I hate to whine but I'm quite tired. My class is killing me and worrying about my dad means I've not been getting a great amount of sleep. And even worse, I'm not getting a great amount of time to stitch. Here is how far I've gotten on Block 3. I am hoping that I will get a bit of time stitching while I am down south but I am also packing my textbook and have a paper to write so we shall see on that one.
In the meantime, I hope you will all keep stitching and posting your progress because it's so nice to see and is good therapy for those of us not stitching as much. I hope to have a LOT more progress to show you the next time I can post a photo.
Have a great week!
This has been an incredibly busy weekend following an unbelievably busy week. I hate to whine but I'm quite tired. My class is killing me and worrying about my dad means I've not been getting a great amount of sleep. And even worse, I'm not getting a great amount of time to stitch. Here is how far I've gotten on Block 3. I am hoping that I will get a bit of time stitching while I am down south but I am also packing my textbook and have a paper to write so we shall see on that one.
In the meantime, I hope you will all keep stitching and posting your progress because it's so nice to see and is good therapy for those of us not stitching as much. I hope to have a LOT more progress to show you the next time I can post a photo.
Have a great week!
April 7, 2010
Still here-barely
I am buried with class right now and I have to take a quick trip to FL on Monday to check up on my dad but I hope to have a photo of my stitching progress on Block 3 of CAHRH this weekend. I'm making tiny bits of progress at this point but any progress is a good thing right?
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