I am a little late posting my recap of my May goals but here they are:
1. Finish Block 3 of C@HRH -
Done2. Finish a Christmas ornament -
Started but not finished3. Start Block 4 of C@HRH -
Not DoneI did finish the ornie I started over Memorial Day weekend today. It is Yule Rejoice by Primrose Needleworks from the 2008 JCS issue. I really, really love this ornament!

My goals for June are as follows:
1. Stitch a Christmas ornament - already kitted up Midsummer Night's design from the 2007 JCS issue.
2. Stitch Block 4 of C@HRH - I put a few stitches into that today.
I'm only doing two goals for the moment since I'm still trying to get my last formal class out of the way. It's legal issues and is taking a tremendous amount of time for reading and writing. But class will be done on 6/22 so maybe I will get both of my June goals realized this month. We shall see!