Last year my employer offered all employees the opportunity to have a free 8x10 family portrait taken at the hospital by a professional photographer. I didn't take advantage of the offer last year but this year decided to have one done with Cowboy. This is the resulting photo which I've sent to my dad and stepmother as a Christmas present. Kind of weird to send a photo of yourself as a gift but I've never had a portrait done and my dad will be very thrilled I think. Of course I bought more than just an 8x10 because my guy is so handsome. So look out family!
And of course in true Cowboy fashion, there is more to the story. After taking this photo, the photographer asked if I would like a picture of just Cowboy so I of course said yes. Well I don't know what I was thinking but I took the leash off - didn't want it in the photo - and he was fine for the first few tries but then of course I took my hand off him and he was out of the door in a flash. So out I go into the hospital to catch him. I think everything is fine as he's heading towards the family waiting room into our special care unit which has a door. What I didn't know was that there's a door from that room into the unit (which was not supposed to be open but of course was). Of course my dear demon dog heads right into the unit and into a patient room which was thankfully empty. One of the nurses got the door shut and caught him but of course it was a bit of pandemonium for a few minutes there.
We went home right after that!