Jill was kind enough to nominate me as a Kreative blogger - thank you Jill! I'm not sure I deserve the honor because I haven't been very good at keeping up with this blog but I do appreciate the kindness.
Here are the rules for this award:
• The winner may put the logo on her blog.
• Put a link to the person you got the award from.
• Nominate 5 blogs.
• Put links to the blogs.
• Leave a message for your nominees.
It's torture only nominating five as there are so many kreative bloggers out there!
My nominees for Kreative Bloggers are:
On a stitching note, I sewed this BBD piece into a pillow form over the weekend finally. I just need to find some of the crushed walnut shell pet bedding the designers recommended for stuffing the pillow. My local pet store didn't have it of course so now I need to call Petsmart to see if they have it in stock before I trek up there. With gas prices these days, I really try to keep my long trips to a minimum and combine errands where ever I go. Sad how much we took for granted before the gas prices woke us up.
I've also made a bit more progress on my little Halloween piece and started a crochet project which I will show you soon! Thanks for stopping by and my apologies to all of you creative bloggers that I didn't name - I know you're out there!