So I went to NH for the weekend and got back yesterday to discover that my computer monitor had finally died. I had to go buy a new one in order to be able to see to upload photos and check email. As a result of all that rigamarole, I'm a bit late in posting my Celebrations report!
I only went for Friday and got to see
Nancy, and
Sandy and her friend Lisa and meet a friend of Nancy's named Tinka. I had a really nice day and managed to leave at the en

d of the day without spending too much in the shopping mart. I also got to see Joyce and another knitting friend Lucille who I haven't seen since I moved - 2 years! Nancy and I arranged to meet at the entrance to the shopping mart at 9am on Friday and ended up pulling into the parking lot behind each other. We spent about 1.5 to 2 hours looking around and I managed to only come out with 5 pieces of 28 ct 9x13 fabric from the Picture this Plus booth. I started out picking out my usual samplery colored pieces but decided that what I really needed was some colors I wouldn't usually buy and so I ended up with these. The colors are from the top left, Kermit, Coastal, Flash(2nd row down on left), Ember and Splash. I thought it would be really cool to stitch a quaker or some thing similar in a contrasting fabric - a sort of modern quaker piece. We shall see on that.
Nancy and I had lunch at Applebees and then went back to stitch. She was meeting Tinka at 1:00 for another run through the shopping mart and I was meeting Jo after her class at 2:00. Jo and I ended up in the stitching lounge all by ourselves for quite a while. Nancy and Tinka finally managed to drag themselves away from the shopping mart so we stitched a bit and then went to an early dinner at Outback with Pete, Jo's husband. I made quite a lot of progress on my Stitcher's Wallet SAL. A really nice day all around! It was great to see good stitching friends again! I just wish
Joanie and
Sue had managed to join us as well. Maybe next year ladies right?