I am doing a stitch along with the oh so talented
Vivian whose design is on the f

ront page of the December issue of
The Cross Stitcher magazine. We are stitching the CHS Alphabet series together, each buying half of the designs and then sending them to the other once we've stitched them. Viv is doing all of hers as little individual pillows but I am doing mine all on one piece over one. She is waaaay ahead of me of course but here is my progress so far. I am using 30 ct cream fabric and the GAST threads called for. The border is one sent to me by Kathy Barrick and has small flowers on the flat parts of the repeat.
I absolutel love how this is turning out - so miniature. I will be making this a focus piece along with my BOAF piece over the next few months. I have B, C and D waiting to be stitched and then they are on to Vivian in the great wilds of the Yukon where they have grizzlies closer than Vivian would like to know about.
On another note, a dear sweet blogger was sent a really mean email and is justifiablly shaken by it. In my experience, fellow stitchers and bloggers are some of the most wonderful and genrous people I know and I'm so sorry this happened. I really hope it doesn't deter her from sharing herself and her stitching the way she always has. It would be a terrible loss to our community. My thoughts go out to her and I hope she is comforted by all those who care about her. There are many more of us than the unkind person who sent the email. What goes around comes around you know.....