November 11, 2011

NaBloPo Prompt: 11/11/11 Make Three Wishes

I was out of town overnight and I'm too tired to come up with anything on my own tonight so I decided to use today's prompt which is Make Three Wishes.

Today is Veteran's Day and as the daughter of a veteran of WW2, my first wish would be that we could all learn to live together in peace so that no more veterans would need to come home from wars and conflicts around the world.

My second wish is that we as humans would learn to listen to each other.  Communication, or the lack of communication, is so often at the root of so many of life's problems, errors, accidents and conflicts.  By taking the time to stop and allow someone to fully express themselves, to be in that moment and listen to what they are saying - both the verbal and the noverbal- might do much to create a more peaceful world to live in.  Words are such powerful things and if we listened to them more closely and that helped us to use them more wisely, we might live in a very different environment.

My third wish is for the children of our world.  They are our future and it is my hope that each child be able to find at least one person in their life that helps them, guides them, encourages them to be all that they can be, to overcome whatever negative circumstances they might be in, to help others if their circumstances are better and to be the change our world needs.

1 comment:

barbara said...

Great wishes, Patti. I hope the fairies were listening; I'd like to see them come true.